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ArcGIS Maps for Power BI: Plus subscription (2nd part); What's in it for me?

(2018-July-29) My initial attempt to explore and test the ArcGIS Map paid version continued after receiving a response from the ESRI support team. In…

Power BI with Mapbox and Volcanic Ring of Fire

(2018-May-27)  With recent Hawaiian volcano activity, it would be interesting to see how other similar events have shaped our Earth planet. The  NOAA…

Power BI with Maps: Choose Your Destination

(2018-May-20)  A childhood dream to travel around the world fueled by reading Gulliver's Travels stories and Robinson Crusoe attempts to survive …

Geometry Objects in SQL Server using Latitude/Longitude coordinates

(2018-Mat-31) Support for spatial geometry functions was initially introduced in SQL Server 2008 and then it was greatly improved in Denali (SQL Ser…

Power BI with different Network Visualizations

(2018-Feb-10) A few days ago Microsoft provided another update for its desktop version of the Power BI data analytical tool -  https://powerbi.micros…

Power BI Pulse Chart vs. Dancing bars in Excel

[2016-Jun-30]  Recently Microsoft Power BI has been enhanced with a new Pulse Chart custom visualization ( Visual Awesomeness Unlocked: Pulse Chart )…