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SQL Server, how to detect if the values of a column have changed

Hi Guys, Welcome back! Today we have a little insight into the world of triggers . We will see in which ways to detect if the values ​​of a column h…

SQL Server, find text in a Trigger, Stored Procedures, View and Function. Two ways and what ways is better

Hi guys, Welcome back! Today a light post about a question that has been asked to me several times. The question is: how to  search for text inside a…

Continuous integration and delivery (CI/CD) in Azure Data Factory using DevOps and GitHub - Part 2

(2020-Jan- 28)  This blog post is a followup to my previous post about DevOps (CI/CD) for Azure Data Factory -  Continuous integration and delivery (…

SQL Server trigger optimization part 1

Hi Guys, Today light article in which I want to tell you a short note on optimization of triggers. Enjoy the reading! Carissimi Lettori, Oggi artico…

Event-driven architecture (EDA) with Azure Data Factory - Triggers made easy

(2019-Oct- 27)   Creation or deletion files in your Azure Storage account may initiate data ingestion process and will support your event-driven data…

Trigger e la funzione UPDATE()

Ciao a tutti!   Oggi parliamo di trigger e più nello specifico della funzione UPDATE() e più in generale di come ottimizzare questi automatismi che …