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SQL Server, A little about composite indices and a little about the relative statistics ..

Hi Guys, Today a short midweek post!   We will talk about the composite index and statistics . Nothing particularly profound, but any information w…

SQL Server, Today I tell you why your Query is slow. Recompilation problems

Hi Guys,  I hope you had a happy Easter! Today, as we often do, we talk about slowdowns .   To be honest, one of the questions I get asked most often…

SQL Server. Statistics, cardinality estimation and some thoughts about my previous post

Hi Guys, I would say a big thanks to Jeff Moden who have commented my previous post SQL Server, statistics, performance and the Ascending key probl…

SQL Server, statistics, performance and the Ascending key problem

Hi guys, September is coming and it is time for our editorial staff to reopen its doors. I hope you have recharged your batteries to 100%. Today we w…

SQL Server, Again info about statistics and the "Ascending Key Problem"

Hi Guys! Here the post of today i wrote in one go. So don't care about the punctuation, please. In the last post we talked about Cardinality Esti…

System Variables in Azure Data Factory: Your Everyday Toolbox

(2018-Nov-20) After working and testing the functionality of variables within Azure Data Factory pipelines, I realized that it's worth to explore…

UPDATE STATISTICS failed because statistics cannot be updated on a columnstore index.UPDATE STATISTICS is valid only when used with the STATS_STREAM option.

Error:- If we have clustered column store index on a table and when we update statistics with traditional command like UPDATE Statistics <TableNam…