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GIT Snack: missing buttons in Team Explorer

Case I can commit and sync, but where are the GIT buttons Pull Request, Work Items and Builds in my Visual Studio's Team Explorer? Missing 3 Git …

Bug: Script Task - Cannot load script for execution

Case My Script Tasks are running fine in Visual Studio 2017, but when deployed to the catalog I get an error in all Script Tasks: Cannot load script …

Where is the new SSIS project type?

Case I just downloaded the new SSDT for Visual Studio 2017 (15.3.0 preview) and although I selected Integration Services during installation it isn&…

Switching Target Server Versions for custom components

Case Microsoft just released the first multi-version SSDT which can edit 2012, 2014 and 2016 SSIS packages. You can now change the Target Server Ver…

Method not found: IsVisualStudio2012ProInstalled()

Case I just installed SSDT 2012 on top of SSIS 2012 with SSDT 2010, but when I want to run a package I get an error:  Method not found: 'Boolea…

'Auto Layout - Diagram' missing in Layout Toolbar

Case I often use the 'Auto Layout - Diagram' option in the Format-menu to auto arrange my tasks or transformations, but it costs me three cli…

The process cannot acces the file 'ssisproject.ispac' because it is being used by another process.

Case I want to run an SSIS 2012 package but I'm getting an error: ispac file in use by other process System.IO.IOException: The process cannot ac…

Use Visual Studio 2012 for SSIS 2012

Case I want to use Visual Studio 2012 to edit my SSIS packages, but during installation of Microsoft SQL Server Data Tools - Business Intelligence fo…

Multiple Configurations in SSDT

Case In the SSIS Catalog we have the ability to configure for several environments by creating multiple environments (one for development, one for t…