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Calculating Hash values in SSIS

Case I want to calculate a hash value for a couple of columns in SSIS. In T-SQL you can use HASHBYTES, but that doesn't work for other sources li…

Active Directory as Source

Case I want to use the users from my Active Directory in my Data Warehouse for an Employee Dimension. How can I accomplish that in SSIS? Solution Wit…

Dynamically unpivot data

Case For a client I need to read hundreds of bus route matrices and they all vary in size. This makes it hard to read them dynamically with a Foreach…

Getting error column name in SSIS 2016

Case In SQL 2016 CTP 2.3 Microsoft introduced a new simple way with to get the name of the column causing the error with some .NET code in a Script …

Reading sensitive parameters in a script

Case I have a sensitive parameter in my package with a password in it. I want to use it in a Script Task, but when I try that it throws an error: Exc…

Coming this year... Extending SSIS with .NET Scripting

It's not ready yet, but I'm proud to announce the first SSIS book by me and fellow MVP Régis Baccaro ( B | T ). Extending SSIS with .NET Scr…

Creating BIML Script Component Transformation (rownumber)

Case I want to add a Script Component transformation to my bimlscript to add a rownumber functionality to my packages. Solution For this example I wi…

Insert, update and delete records in CRM 2013 with SSIS - Part II: Inactivate records

Case A while a go I did a post on how to insert, update or delete records in CRM (2013), but what if you want to (de)activate records instead of dele…

Insert, update and delete records in CRM 2013 with SSIS - Part III: Add files as Annotation

Case I want to upload files to CRM Annotations with SSIS. I already uploaded contacts , but now I also want to upload their documents. How do I do th…