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Schedule Up/Downscale Azure SQL Database (Az)

Case To save some money on my Azure bill, I want to downscale the vCore or the number of DTUs for my Azure SQL Databases when we don't need a hig…

Schedule start and stop of Azure Virtual Machine (Az)

Case There is an option to automatically shutdown your Azure Virtual Machine at a certain time, but where is the option to automatically start it at …

Schedule start & stop of Azure Analysis Services (Az)

Case To save some money on my Azure Bill, I want to pause my Azure Analysis Services (AAS) at night when nobody is using it and then resume it in the…

SendGrid - Send emails via a Runbook

Case I want to send email notifications in my Azure Automation runbook when pausing or downscaling fails, but I don't want to create an extra Off…

Azure Data Factory Webhook activity calls Runbook

Case The Azure Data Factory (ADF) Web activity calls my runbooks asynchronous (execute and don't wait for an answer). Is there a way to do this s…

Use Azure Key Vault for Automation Runbooks

Case I created an Azure Automation Runbook to managed various Azure resources, but I don't want to store keys or passwords in my code. What is th…