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Power Query
Power Query

SQL Server data flow into Excel template with Power Query function-based parameter

(2018-July-15)  Your case is to create an Excel template with data extracted from a backend SQL Server database; it takes a few minutes and Power Que…

Power BI with Azure Data Lake - where the water doesn't run dry

(2018-Feb-04) I've had a case working with very large data files as a source for my heat map visualizations in Power BI, where the main file was …

Get Data experience from Excel to Power BI and SQL Server Analysis Services 2017

(2018-Jan-20) It has been a long journey for the Excel data integration tool Power Query from its early version as an external add-in component in 20…

When it’s cold outside, perhaps Power BI heat maps can warm you up

(2018-Jan-13)  You never know how the weather will behave itself, especially when the temperature gets dramatically changed from +10 to -10 within a …

Data modeling in Power BI using XML file with Parent and Children nodes

[2017-Aug-08]  Support for XML structured files as a data source has been available in Excel, then was introduced into the Power Query data extract e…

Calculating Travel Distance/Time in Power BI using Bing Map API

[2017-July-24] Map visualization in Power BI has drawn many data professionals into a field of сreating visual data stories with maps.  It only takes…