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Show SSIS error messages in the ADF monitor

Case I want to see SSIS error messages in the ADF monitor or in the ADF email notification so that I can have a quick look to determine the severity…

SSIS Snack: The semaphore timeout period has expired

Case My SSIS package that runs in Azure Data Factory V2 (and gets data from an on-premises source) suddenly stops working and throws an communication…

Getting error column name in SSIS 2016

Case In SQL 2016 CTP 2.3 Microsoft introduced a new simple way with to get the name of the column causing the error with some .NET code in a Script …

The Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) resource control API returned error code 5057. The WSFC service may not be running or may not be accessible in its current state, or the specified arguments are invalid.

Error:- While creating an  Availability Group Listener I received this error Msg 41009, Level 16, State 7, Line 1 The Windows Server Failover Cluster…

SQL Server 2016 CTP 2.3 Get error columnname

Case Before SSIS 2016 there was no way to get the name of the column that caused the error. Atleast not without a custom transformation or a very co…

BIML doesn't recognize system variable ServerExecutionID

Case I want to use the SSIS System Variable ServerExecutionID  as a parameter for an Execute SQL Task in a BIML Script, but it doesn't recognize …

The process cannot acces the file 'ssisproject.ispac' because it is being used by another process.

Case I want to run an SSIS 2012 package but I'm getting an error: ispac file in use by other process System.IO.IOException: The process cannot ac…

BIML: An error occurred while parsing EntityName

Case I'm creating an SSIS package with BIML and I want to add an expression in my Derived Column with an Logical AND &&. ISNU…

Stop package when foreach loop does not find any files

Case When the Foreach Loop File Enumerator is empty, SSIS will throw a warning, but I want to fail the package. How do I do that? The For Each File e…