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Azure - Reuse Power BI dataflows

Case Microsoft recently introduced Power BI dataflows for self-service ETL or data preparation. It uses an Azure Data Lake Storage (ADLS), which is o…

Cognitive functions U-SQL: text sentiment

Case U-SQL has cognitive capabilities to analyse a text on sentiment. How does that work? Do I need Azure Cognitive-services? U-SQL Cognitive Capabil…

Cognitive functions U-SQL: emotion, age & gender

Case U-SQL has cognitive capabilities to analyse pictures of persons to detect age, gender and emotions. How do they work and do I need Azure Cogniti…

Cognitive functions U-SQL: image tagging

Case U-SQL has cognitive capabilities to analyse images. How do they work? Do I need Azure Cognitive-services? U-SQL Cognitive Capabilities Solution …

Use PolyBase to read Data Lake in Azure SQL DW

Case I have a file in an Azure Data Lake Store (ADLS) folder which I want to use in my Azure SQL Data Warehouse. In a previous blog post you used P…

Azure - Continue with Azure Data Lake for Big Data

Case I an earlier post we showed you how to transform sensor data using Azure Data Lake. Many companies are gathering (or already have) a lot of Big…