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Extracting data from Common Data Services (Microsoft Dynamics 365) using Azure Data Factory

(2020-Mar- 30)  Little did I know that I can use Azure Data Factory (ADF) to extract data from the Common Data Services (CDS) . This data platform en…

Insert, update and delete records in CRM 2013 with SSIS - Part II: Inactivate records

Case A while a go I did a post on how to insert, update or delete records in CRM (2013), but what if you want to (de)activate records instead of dele…

Insert, update and delete records in CRM 2013 with SSIS - Part III: Add files as Annotation

Case I want to upload files to CRM Annotations with SSIS. I already uploaded contacts , but now I also want to upload their documents. How do I do th…

Insert, update and delete records in CRM 2013 with SSIS

Case I have a business application with clients, accounts and other data and I want to make an interface to Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2013. How do you i…