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Use Managed Service Identity for Synapse PolyBase

Case I a previous PolyBase example, to read data from the storage account, we stored the secret in Synapse. Is it possible to use Managed Identity i…

Archiving within a Blob Storage container

Case New files are delivered to my Blob Storage container each day. After processing them I want to archive them into folders with a timestamp in the…

Snack: Executing SSIS packages in Azure Logic App

Case Can I use a Logic App to execute an SSIS package located in the Azure Integration Runtime environment (ADF V2)? Logic App has several triggers t…

Use PolyBase to read Blob Storage in Azure SQL DW

Case I have a file in an Azure Blob Storage container which I want to use in my Azure SQL Data Warehouse. How can I push the content of that file to…

Azure - Understanding Stream Analytics Blob Destination

Case How do you use Azure Blob Storage to store stream analytics data and why would you do that? Solution In earlier posts we have set up an IoT envi…