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Everything about Azure app service FTP

Azure App Service FTP Troubleshooting

Everything about Azure app service FTP


·       I am not able to connect to azure app service through FTP.

·       How can I connect to FTP in azure app service?

·       My FTP username/password is not working.

·       Which port I should use for FTP?


We all are aware that Azure app service content can be accessed through FTP.  This is one of the easiest and popular ways to deploy your content to the Azure app service.
When you create an app service or web app, Azure adds an FTP hostname with that app. You can get the FTP hostname information in the “Overview” blade of your app service.

Azure App Service FTP

Here it is very important to understand that Azure app service support 2 types of credentials,
·       User Level credentials
·       App Level credentials

User levelcredentials are for entire Azure account which can be used to deploy to any web app for the subscription,

while App Level credentials are particular web app specific and can't be used with any other web app. App Level credentials are generated automatically at app creation. Users can’t control this manually.
Now question is, where can I check these credentials and answer is simple,
Go to “deployment center” blade and click on FTP.

Azure App Service FTP

Once you click on “dashboard” button, a new pop up window will appear with App and user level credentials.

Azure App Service FTP

You can see that App level credentials can only be reset but you don’t have control to define the username or password here.
You can control user level credentials. Here we have one catch; you can have only one FTP user level credential. You can’t have multiple FTP user level credentials.

Please keep in mind a few important points,
·       If someone in your org changes the password for that username without updating you then you will not be able to access it.
·       If you have shared this credential with 3rd parties for some purpose, then you should update them otherwise they will not be access it.
·       Most important: If someone create a new FTP user level credential then you will not be able to access the previous/existing user level credential. Many people face this issue and then regret that they are not able to access previous credentials
·       As user level credentials is unique for the entire azure account hence if you get message that “Username has already been taken by someone else”, then try using some other user name.


If you face FTP connectivity issue please verify following points,
·       Verify if you are using the correct FTP hostname.
·       Verify your username and password are correct.
·       If user level credential is not working, then try with App Level credentials.
·       If App level credential is not working, then try resetting it. This action is needed when someone else reset the App level credentials without your information. Resetting app level credential will generate a new one which should work.
·       If both App level and user level credentials are not working, then try resetting the password of user level credentials and check with that.
·       Try creating a new FTP username if still issue persists.
All above steps are pertaining to credentials but remember, there might be some issue from the networking side. Hence validate following,
·       App service FTP uses port 21 for control connection and port 989, 10001-10300for data connection. Please verify these ports are open.
·       You can take help of your local IT team if these ports are blocked.
·       Verify if any firewallor network restriction is preventing the connectivity between FTP client and Azure.
·       Try with some other network e.g. your mobile network. This will isolate your network issue.
·       Try using some other FTP clients.
o   FTP Clients examples,
§  Filezilla
§  WinSCP
99% chances are that following these steps should solve your issue and if your issue persists then you can use some other deployment methods like,
·       Visual Studio
·       KUDU
·       DevOps
·       GitHub
·       PowerShell
·       ARM
·       CLI etc.

KUDU is the best alternative of FTP where you can simply drag and drop your files.

I hope this should solve your any FTP related issue but if your issue continues then reach out to azure app service support team.

Other useful references,

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  • Unable to retrieve Functions Keys
  • We are not able to retrieve the keys for function
  • The function runtime is unable to start.
  • Function host is not running.
  • Internal Server error.
  • Service Unavailable.

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