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Azure web app Multiple FTP Users

Azure web app Multiple FTP Users

I noticed many users want to have Multiple FTP users for Azure App Services.

Azure web app provide 2 types of deployment credentials,
  • User Level
  • App Level
User levelcredentials are for entire Azure account which can be used to deploy to any web app for the subscription,

while App Level credentials are particular web app specific and can't be used with any other web app. App Level credentials are generate automatically at app creation. Users can’t control this manually.

Now question is, where can I check these credentials and answer is simple,
Go to “deployment center” blade and click on FTP.

Once you click on “dashboard” button, a new pop up window will appear with App and user level credentials.

You can see that App level credentials can only be reset but you don’t have control to define the username or password here.

You can control user level credentials. Here we have one catch; you can have only one FTP user level credential. You can’t have multiple FTP user level credentials.

Get more details on below URL,

It seems Azure doesn't support multiple FTP users for web app. You can get more details on below URL

You can also share your feedback on that and maybe they can consider this request in the future.

For more information about azure app service FTP troubleshooting please visit,

Other useful references,

Issue: Azure function is throwing one of the following exceptions
·       Unable to retrieve Functions Keys
·       We are not able to retrieve the keys for function
·       The function runtime is unable to start.
·       Function host is not running.
·       Internal Server error.
·       Service Unavailable.

Issue: Azure Functions: The Consumption pricing tier is not allowed in this resource group

Issue: Disable Azure functions

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